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3 Proven Ways to Humanize Your Brand

Dave Schaaf

When you humanize your brand and your business, you make it easier for your customers to engage and to connect with you. Humanizing your brand improves trust and loyalty, and it can even improve customer experience. However, finding ways to humanize your brand in a world where everything is so technology and digital-focused can be quite a bit of work. Here are three proven ways to humanize your brand and ensure you are getting the customer engagement and experience you need. 


Don’t Be Afraid To Share

Why did you start your business? We know you had to pay the bills, and that likely played into why you created your brand. However, there is more to your brand story than this! Be open about how you ended up where you are and the steps that got you here. 

Whether you are sending direct mail or working on your website, find a way to share some of the things that make your business what it is. 

Some options to consider are: 

  • Creating an About Us page on your website that goes into detail about how your business was started. 
  • Share some of the struggles you faced as your business grew. 
  • What are your missions and your values? Do you have goals for the people you want to help and how you want your business to reach the next level? 
  • Let customers and clients know what you stand for and how you got to where you are. 

When you share your story, people have a much easier time connecting with you and investing in your business.  



Personalization is another important way to humanize your brand. When you personalize your customer, message your customer no longer feels like a number; they feel like a human instead. 

One of the best ways to incorporate personalization is to use it right from the start. Yellow letter marketing, direct mail campaigns, and even letters of introduction should all be personalized. 

These letters can be short and sweet, and others may feature more of the details of the business offerings. 

Most importantly, these letters are personalized with names and addresses and maybe even handwritten. When you can handwrite your direct mail, customers are more likely to open it. 

At Yellow Letters Complete, we can provide this service for you. 


Create An Emotional Connection 

The final way to humanize your brand is to create an emotional connection with your customers and future customers. People want to do business with you as a person, but not necessarily your business. Business can feel cold and disconnected, whereas humans feel reachable and emotionally present. 

Try to put yourself in the position of your customers and leads. For instance, if you are a pest control business owner, they may just see your logo, your price sheet, and the list of pests that you take care of. 

It’s better for your potential leads to know that you also live in their town, you are protecting your kids and pets from pests, and you have only the best practices when it comes to safety. If personalized marketing, handwritten thank you notes, and stories or testimonials help to get you there, it will be well worth the investment. 


Final Thoughts 

Humanizing your brand will bring you new business. Even though business is continually changing, a human-to-human connection is as strong as ever. Make sure your customers know who you are and why you care about them. For more ideas, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Yellow Letters Complete so we can give you a few lists of resources you have available to you. 

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