Direct Mail Ongoing Campaigns – How to Improve Your Marketing Plan

Dave Schaaf
Dave Schaaf

Direct mail marketing can be a lot of fun. You get to choose or design your mail piece, coordinate colors, and, of course, listen to the sound of your phone ringing. However, in order to pick the details, there has to be a strong foundation to build from.  This foundation is your marketing plan.

A marketing plan helps guide your marketing decisions to make sure that you can manage your response. For example, sending out too many mail pieces may mean that the response is overwhelming and unmanageable. However, sending your marketing too sparsely may create gaps in response and can make revenue unsteady and unpredictable. Creating your marketing plan can help you find and maintain a happy medium from which you can grow.

Your marketing plan will also help you plan and keep to a budget. Sending out several touches to a mailing list may be more expensive, but it will also help increase your response and boost your return on investment (ROI). Sticking to a marketing plan will help you balance your funds and plan for future expenditures.

If this all sounds overwhelming, don’t worry. Instead of planning and stressing over setting up several campaigns, you can set up an ongoing campaign ONCE. That’s right, once you set up your ongoing campaign, it will run on autopilot until your mailing list runs out or you put it on hold. Your ongoing campaign will mail out on the schedule of your choice, so you can easily keep track of it on your marketing plan.

Ongoing campaigns can also help you plan and keep to your budget. If you are mailing the same quantity each time on the schedule you choose, you will know exactly how much each mailing will cost. This can help you plan other aspects of your business and allocate your funds accordingly.

The best part is that YOU decide what your ongoing campaign looks like. Looking to send several touches to your mailing list? No problem! Simply tell us how many you’d like to mail each week and your multi-touch ongoing campaign can run on autopilot. Just starting out and want to space out your mailings to help manage your phone calls? We can do that too. In fact, your ongoing campaign can contain any number of touches and any combination of mail pieces you would like. We can even pull a new mailing list with each batch we mail or split your large mailing list into several smaller batches.

Sending an ongoing campaign on autopilot can dramatically improve the stability of your response. By incorporating an ongoing campaign into your marketing plan, you can get rid of your marketing headaches! Call us today at 1-888-294-0780 or email to set up your ongoing campaign.

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