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Dealing with Garbage Real Estate Data Leads and How to Fix Them

Dave Schaaf
Dave Schaaf

The list is the lifeline of business, yet people take it lightly.

Garbage data results in garbage leads or no leads at all. It’s that simple.

Over 90% of the lot has garbage data.

No matter how many times you send a message, email, direct mail to untargeted, unfiltered, uninterested and ghost leads, you’ll never get a response.

It all sounds simple and straightforward, but difficult when it comes to real life because it’s getting harder every day to get quality lists.

Here’s what everyone is doing wrong:

  • Buying lists from famous websites (read listsource, MLS, Realist, Rebogateway) and blasting messages blindly.
  • Not narrowing down their niche market by applying filters (example: equity percentage filter)
  • Most of the investors do not know the difference between different niche leads and where to get them based on their type (example: DFD, tax liens, code violations).
  • Using lists that were resold to other companies. Hence no response rate.
  • Killing their returns and stretching their budgets because most mailers don’t accept unfiltered, unsearchable data. They spend a fortune fixing the garbage format of their data.

Here are some of the best ways to get excellent quality lists.

Garbage Absentee-owned Property Leads and How to Fix Them

The best leads in this domain come from County Appraisers sites, or the County Tax Site. From the assessor office you can know who owns the property and where they send the tax bill. If you want to actually speak with the owner, you will need to search more or use record business websites like Intellius.

But here is the problem: with all the tiring work I mentioned above, you will get a list in a PDF format which is not searchable. The list will also lack filters and detailed information.

YellowLettersComplete, however, takes this data in any form and offers to change it to usable, optimized form using its white-glove list service.

We can also do all the hard work for you and sell our own absentee owners lists.

YellowLettersComplete provides absentee owners lists that have:

  • Filters for high equity, purchase date, area, no. of rooms, and date of birth of the owner.
  • Optimized for Drip Campaigns
  • Never Resold. We suppress data for your every client to avoid any duplicity.

Garbage Notice of Default Lists and How to Fix Them

Go to your County’s website and pull Notice of Defaults which are updated daily. After that you will have to narrow down your lists and start searching individuals based on the internet: Facebook, Google, LinkedIn. 

Going to the courthouse regularly and searching for the files for the latest foreclosure filings is also a good option.

But it isn’t that simple as it sounds.

Here’s the truth: People are getting ripped off for these lists, spending as much as $1000 for a single county NoD list that is almost every time resold, outdated or fake.

At YLC we create the best NoD lists that are searchable, ready for import or export for data manipulation (CVS, Excel, Oracle formats). We do all the leg work for you and offer the best rates in the industry.

YLC also offers mailing services using its proven handwritten drip campaigns.

Want to know more about the leads we provide? Send us a message or order your leads now.

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