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Handwritten Mail for Insurance

Effective marketing can transform your business. Let us show you what our proven handwritten direct mail can do.

From home to health and beyond, insurance companies have a lot to gain from handwritten direct mail. By utilizing our True Ink letters and envelopes, your mail will get noticed the moment your prospects pick it up. As they consider your offer, they will remember the personal touch from your company. Your potential clients are likely to appreciate that extra care you showed as they choose a company to deal with such important matters.

We want your direct mail programs to deliver a higher response rate and stronger ROI than any other method you have tried. We have years of experience in this space and offer a proven, hassle free approach that strives to make your life just a bit easier. Yellow Letters Complete offers unique addons such as Post-it notes that contribute an even greater level of personalization. The quality and professionalism of the pieces you send out are a direct reflection on your brand and we want to make sure they are at the highest level of quality possible.

Handwritten Mail Samples for Insurance Agents

How Handwritten Mail Helps Insurance Agents Generate More Business

Direct mail is a valuable tool to help generate new prospects, maintain current relationships, and even win back previous clients. The existing mass market direct-mailers that most insurance agents use get more attention from the trash than from your audience. Yellow Letters Complete wants to battle the disconnection of boring traditional mail to deliver clear ROI on your next marketing campaign.

True Ink Memo: Yellow Letters Complete understands the power of short and simple, but highly personal marketing materials. The True Ink Memo is the next generation of personalization from the yellow letter. Printing in handwritten fonts is not fooling your audience, but a fully-penned note in True Ink will win them over. We write your personalized message on high quality linen paper for a premium look and tactile feel that engages your audience in multiple ways.

True Ink Greeting Card: Strengthen your client relationships by sending holiday and birthday cards out monthly to show your appreciation for their relationship. A fully pen-written card is the perfect way to show your client how much you value their continued business. We make that process easy for you scheduling your mail ahead of time, so it reaches your prospect at the right moment.

Signature Letter with True Ink Envelope: Send your information in our True Ink Envelopes to ensure your message is opened. Include a Post-it note with your call to action to emphatically show them how to respond to you. Finally, sign the letter in real pen to for the finishing authentic touch. Those finishing touches written in real pen ink help to warm up your prospects and give them something memorable and personal to associate with your business. Use one of our proven templates or work with our team to prepare a custom masterpiece for your prospects.

True Ink Postcards: Marketers love postcards because they bring your message directly to your audience with an eye-catching design and no envelope to open. Now you can bring those postcards to life with a True Ink Message written for each prospect. We’ll also address the postcard in the same style writing so they feel like you wrote them one-on-one.

Request a Free Sample Pack

Start your direct mail marketing campaign with Yellow Letters Complete to generate more leads. See the Truly Handwritten™ difference for yourself.

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How Yellow Letters Complete Can Help

Auto Insurance

Auto insurance can be competitive, and it can be difficult to change the mind of someone who has already chosen a different company. Make sure your rates are noticed by sending a multitouch campaign and keeping your information in front of your leads.

Life Insurance

People are often uncomfortable discussing life insurance. Bridge this gap by sending a mail piece that shows thoughtfulness and care, such a letter with a True Ink Memo or a Handwritten Note.

Home Insurance

We can help you procure a mailing list and filter for your ideal leads. Consider send a True Ink message on your insurance prospecting postcard or letter so your leads will remember you.

Health Insurance

Make sure your company is noticed by sending a multitouch campaign. Keep your message fresh by sending a variety of mail pieces, such as our letters, postcards, memos, and greeting cards.

Medicare & Medicare Supplements

Seniors turning 65 have many options for Medicare and Medicare Supplements for their new health insurance needs. Capture their attention by including a handwritten card to stand out.

Business Insurance

Businesses sift through heaps of advertising every day, so make sure your message is opened by sending it in an eye-catching envelope (such as a True Ink envelope or our other attention-grabbing envelope options).


People don’t always consider the importance of disability insurance. Make an impact by sending a handwritten letter so you can outline the benefits. Using a personal touch in the beginning can leave an impact and lead to further communication.

Pet Insurance

Pets are fun, and your mail can be too! Send a mailer that stands out, such as with a letter with a charming doodle or a handwritten message. Pet owners are sure to appreciate the personal touch as they consider what’s best for their companion.

Why Choose Yellow Letters Complete?

At Yellow Letters Complete, we provide predictable, sustainable lead flow through a level of service and performance you’ve never experienced before. Our high quality direct mail solution is highly effective for for businesses seeking to deliver quality direct mail to achieve specific marketing objectives.

We listen. Our clients deal with an actual person who seeks to understand their marketing objective and challenges. Your direct mail campaign is a custom solution tailored directly for your prospects. We provide council and feedback to assist our customers from making costly mistakes with their direct mail program. Our team strives to handle each interaction with our clients with the same warmth and high touch customer service we ourselves would want.

We believe all clients deserve to be confident in their marketing partners and outcomes. We seek to inspire confidence through every touchpoint. Our clients’ success is how we define our success. We know the frustration of investing in a
marketing program that doesn’t work and we work diligently to avoid wasted dollars and missed opportunities. We do what we say we are going to do and we speak the truth. Our credibility is a cornerstone of our brand and our ability to represent our clients’ businesses with vigorous authenticity.

We strive for the recipients of our direct mail to feel valued. We believe our clients’ brands should have a “wow factor”. We use the latest technologies and a structured process to deliver this reaction. It makes our clients shine.

And that makes us smile.

Need help getting started?

Feeling spoiled by choice?  If you are unsure which options are best for your campaign, schedule a free consultation with one of our direct marketing experts.

Generate a mailing list

We help you target the right audienced based on your strategy and goals.

Develop your message

Finding the right words can be a challenge. Customize your mail to stay on message and on brand.

Plan your campaign

Make your follow up easy, automatic, and effective.