Signature Letters
Instantly Convey Your Brand with Our Signature Letters
You work hard to build a strong brand. Proudly featuring your letterhead and closing with an authentic
signature shows you stand behind your promise!
Our signature letters make an immediate impression by placing your logo, headshot, or other branding front and center. Each letter is personalized with your recipient’s name and address, finished with a genuine signature, and placed into a hand-addressed envelope by our team.
“I’ve used other services in the past and they haven’t even come close to offering the quality letters and service that Yellow Letters Complete does.”
– Trisha L.
Your best-in-class signature letter package will include:
- Your full-color company letterhead, or we can help create one for you
- Your choice of authentic wet-ink or digitized signature
- Personalized letters with each recipient’s name and address
- Customized copy for your needs, or choose from one of our reliable templates
- Your contact information on the letter for convenience
- Hand-addressed, invitation-style envelope in the color of your choice to optimize results
- Your return address on the envelope’s back flap using a unique seasonal theme
- Standard rate postage included in all base pricing
- Seasonal First-Class stamp option for a nominal 25¢ upcharge
We offer extra touches such as sticky notes or handwritten messages directly on the letters to add a layer of authenticity that’s not possible through mass printing. Our clients see strong returns with high-end prospects who appreciate this kind of personalization in their mail.

You’ve probably used a small yellow sticky note in your own day-to-day to send a quick message or call attention to something. It’s not just you. Many professionals have done it, and for good reason. Sticky notes have been proven to increase engagement and response rates.
Highlight your call to action with a personalized note to your recipient. For a nominal 29¢ upcharge, upgrade your letter to a completely unique, eyecatching experience.
You’ll also find that our process is designed to make life simple. First, we send a proof of your signature letter package. We then mail them on your behalf to your prospects or to one of our targeted lists. You’ll also receive a free copy so you can see exactly what your leads receive.
Feel free to request a free sample pack, or let’s get started today on the little things we can do that will net big results for your campaign!
Need help getting started?
Feeling spoiled by choice? If you are unsure which options are best for your campaign, schedule a free consultation with one of our direct marketing experts.

Generate a mailing list
We help you target the right audienced based on your strategy and goals.

Develop your message
Finding the right words can be a challenge. Customize your mail to stay on message and on brand.

Plan your campaign
Make your follow up easy, automatic, and effective.
Request a Free Sample Pack
Start your direct mail marketing campaign with Yellow Letters Complete to generate more leads. See the Truly Handwritten™ difference for yourself.