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The marketing channel your insurance company is missing (and making a big mistake)

Lina VanNatta
Lina VanNatta

Your insurance company has a two-fold goal when you begin advertising. Customers need to know why they need your service and if they can trust your insurance company as a whole. You can meet both of these goals and stand out against your competitors with direct mail marketing!

How Has Marketing Insurance Changed?

Social media has been a great place for insurance companies to show customers what their company is all about. More companies are creating social media accounts, posting content, and using online ads. Social media users can identify your insurance company’s values and culture right on your social media pages and gauge your brand’s trustworthiness.

While social marketing is critical in this day and age, customers have found ways to ignore or hide ads. Many social media users are used to scanning a post for the word ‘ad’ or ‘sponsored’ so that they can scroll away quickly.

And while social ads can be a hit or a miss, there is still one form of advertisement that customers can’t scroll away from: handwritten letters!

Why Should I Market Insurance with Handwritten Letters?

Sending handwritten letters (also known as Yellow Letters) was once the only way companies were able to advertise to customers. This marketing channel has dwindled with the rise of the internet. People now look through their mail to find bills, the newspaper, and the occasional unaddressed flyer. This is exactly why marketing with handwritten letters works!

Receiving an addressed handwritten letter is now a novelty. When people sort through their mail and find a letter hand addressed to them, their curiosity is peaked, and they feel connected to the company that took the time to personalize the mail to them. Ultimately, today’s customers are more likely to open a personalized letter than they are to click on a social media advertisement.

Did you know? According to,

Compared to email marketing’s average open rate of 22.7%, handwritten letters enjoy a 99% open rate.


Personalized Yellow Letters take more time and resources to write than other forms of ads, and customers notice. They appreciate the effort you put into the letter, as well as a local return address and phone number. Customers will feel cared for and form a stronger relationship of trust with your company.

According to Gallup, 41 percent of Americans enjoy getting personal mail.

While almost every industry is moving towards digital marketing, your insurance company can take a more personal approach with handwritten direct mail.

Yellow Letters Complete Can Help You Market your Insurance Agency

If you are looking for a new channel to market your insurance company, you may just kill two birds with one stone when you market with handwritten letters. Not only do you get a higher open rate, but you show your customers that you are a trustworthy provider. Handwriting letters takes a lot of time, effort, and resources. Yellow Letters Complete is here to help!

Yellow Letters Complete can get you started with this new insurance marketing strategy today! We have a team of letter writers who can hand write and address your letters (or postcards), as well as true-ink robopen writers. Call (888) 294-0780 or reach out to us here to learn more about how our handwritten letters can save you time and strengthen your insurance agency marketing.

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How Handwritten Marketing Can Boost Your Insurance Sales

Handwritten marketing written on notebook under pencil, next to glasses, coffee, and laptop.

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