Did you know that you can make money simply by sharing how well hand addressed direct mail marketing works? Consider becoming an affiliate! As a Yellow Letters Complete affiliate, you will get a commission for every referral you send to us that orders letters.
Do you know of a great housing market or an area with desirable homes? Refer your friends or students and we can pull a targeted mailing list for their letter campaign. That means you can make money just by talking to your friends!
If you are running seminars or programs, we can also set up a custom marketing package for your students. You can choose to include a letter or sequence of letters in order to create an easy-to-order package. That way, your referrals can call, mention your name or package name, and condense the order process into a few short minutes. You can also be sure your referrals have access to the real estate marketing letter templates and postcard templates you know are effective. With such a fast process, you can encourage even more people to order and increase your commissions!
But wait, there’s more! Do you have a website? We can send a banner to you so your friends or students can easily start a marketing campaign. Getting commissions as an affiliate has never been easier!
For Yellow Letters Complete affiliates with many students, we can even create unique landing pages to help guide your referrals. This will make it easy for your students to start a marketing campaign with your proven real estate marketing letter marketing templates. With one click of a button they can order what you have set up for them and YOU GET PAID!
The best part about becoming a Yellow Letters Complete affiliate is that it’s free! There is no set-up fee or initial investment, and you can sign up for FREE right here! Once you have signed up, we will send you some samples of our products for you to have on hand.