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How Seasons Can Affect Your Direct Mail Marketing Campaign

Dave Schaaf

Seasonal Marketing

With direct mail marketing, getting the right message to the right person at the right time is key! As seasons change, so do consumers’ needs and interests. By taking these changes into consideration, you can adjust your direct mail marketing campaign to meet your target audience’s needs.

To gain a better understanding of how seasons affect marketing, let’s take a look at each season:

Spring: Spring is a busy time in the real estate world. Many people who are planning on buying or selling aim to start in the spring. Spring can be the perfect time to send your direct mail marketing campaign as it can reach motivated sellers at the start of their search.

Summer: Like spring, summer is a popular time to buy and sell. This is especially true for families with school-age children, since moving in between school years can be an easier transition. Summer also typically brings longer days and dryer weather, so it is an appealing time to buy or sell.

Autumn: While autumn is not as popular as spring and summer when it comes to buying and selling…you can use that to your advantage! With lower inventory comes lower competition, so you can stand out even more during this “slower” season.

Winter: Winter is often a season of planning. During winter you can start mailing a multi-touch campaign for optimal results in the spring. This gives your leads time to consider selling, while simultaneously keeping your name and information in front of them.

When planning your campaigns, first do your research. Get to know your target audience as well as their needs and buying habits. Once you’ve gained a better understanding of your audience, you can create a relevant mail piece and ensure it matches the season. Lastly, track your results. Pay attention to your response rates and how they correspond with each season.

At Yellow Letters Complete, we offer a variety of seasonal envelope and stationery options to accompany any season and help get you results! Learn more here.

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