Mailing List Filters to Optimize Your Campaign

Dave Schaaf
Dave Schaaf

Targeting the correct leads can make or break your direct mail campaign. But with so many options available, how can you ensure your list will reach your target audience? By using mailing list filters.

When you think about your optimal target audience, what do you see? Do you see a 20-year-old who bought their first house a year ago? Probably not. Someone within this age-range with such a recent purchase history is unlikely to consider selling. This is why we use filters. When used correctly, you can target the leads that are most likely to respond to your message!

Once you decide on your ideal lead, start applying those mailing list filters to your target audience. Examples of these include:

• Owner Date of Birth (retirement age usually helps with motivation)
• Purchase Date (older purchase dates usually help with motivation)
• Absentee Owned
• Owner Occupied
• Market Value
• Loan to Value
• Notice of Default
• Divorced
• Square Footage
• Number of Bedrooms

Keep in mind that the more mailing list filters you apply, the more focused your list will be.  However, this also means the number of leads available can decrease significantly if you apply too many. Filters can give you a very specific mailing list, but if you want to send a large direct mail campaign, your best option is to pick the most important ones (we generally see people use absentee, purchase date, and date of birth). This way, you are still marketing to people that fit your criteria, but you are also reaching a large enough audience.

It can take some trial and error in order to find what works for you and the area you are trying to market to, but don’t give up! In time, you will learn which mailing list filters give you the best response.

If you are unsure of which mailing list filters YOU should be using, contact us today.

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